This course is right for you if...

Hiring a professional can cost thousands of dollars. But I think money shouldn't disqualify your voice. That's why I created this DIY system for launching your dream show!

  • You don't know what to do first

  • You're ready to bring your idea to life

  • You can't decide which microphone to buy

  • You have no idea how interview someone virtually

  • You are tired of 5,000 different answers to one simple question

  • You want to make stellar content, increase your authority, and transform your life

From Idea to Episodes

Create a show they'll love

Not only will you build out plan for your pod, you'll learn how to sound better than your competition and marketing secrets to grow your audience. We know because this is the exact blue print we've used to help brands, CEOs, and marketing agencies launch successful podcasts. And we constantly update this course to include the latest information available.
YES! I'm ready to be heard!

Get the workbook + AMAZING bonus content

  • The Branding Guide

    What is branding and how do you use it to attract your tribe and turn them into listeners, patrons & customers.

  • Marketing Tips & Tricks

    How to build a community from zero, the mistakes seasoned podcasters make & how you can avoid them and how make sure your show can be discovered.

  • Mic Technique & More

    How to use your microphone correctly, how to care for it and editing tips & tricks. Dos and Don'ts for COVID content.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Workbook

    • Workbook- English

    • Workbook- Spanish

    • COVID-19 Microphone/Headset Alternatives

  • 2

    Choosing, Using & Caring for Your Microphone

  • 3

    Resources for Editing Your Podcast

    • Using Descript to Edit by Text

    • People Breathe: The Art of Editing an Interview

  • 4

    Marketing Tips & Tricks

    • Beginner Branding

    • Start with Discoverability

    • The Recipe for Discoverability

    • The 5 Common Marketing Mistakes Podcasters Make (and how to fix them)

    • Fuss Free Hacks to Build a Community

  • 5

    Podcasting During a Pandemic

    • COVID-19 Content Best Practices

    • Engaging Customers During COVID

Get Started on Your Podcast Journey

You're one click away from transforming your life and the world.

Create Sound. Remove Noise. Engage ears.

Your Instructor

Carrie Caulfield Arick

Carrie Caulfield Arick is the founder of YaYa Podcasting, a company that creates uncommonly good sound for brands and those that serve them. She is also a Stony Brook University Audio Podcast Fellow (2020-21). She hosts and produces two podcasts: Just Podcasting and Podcast Editors Mastermind and is a co-founder of the female podcast editors community, Just Busters. She lives in a quirky town on the Delaware coast with her husband, son, and too many talkative cats.

Your Voice Matters

podcasting should be equitable

I was a struggling mom with special needs kid and a disabled husband who loved being creative.

When my favorite scrapbooking podcast retired, a good friend suggested that I pick up the torch. I was all in.

Yet, the price tag overwhelmed me. Everyone said you needed all this expensive stuff. And I wondered 'what if I could figure out another way?'

So, I launched The DigiScrap Geek in 2014 for less than $50. 

Little did I realize how much sharing my voice with the world would change my life. It transformed me. 

When I started YaYa Podcasting, I wanted to share the magic of this medium with as many people as possible. So I took everything I used to launch podcasts for award-winning marketer, Rachel Whynot of Iris Blue and crafted it into an easy to follow six-week system.

What makes this different from other step-by-step courses?

We meet you where you are right now. 

We make the language clear. 

We suggest equipment, tools, and resources within any budget that will actually allow you to create quality sound, professional shows (so, no need to spend a small fortune on a microphone).

From figuring out what your mission is, who you audience is, to how to get your dream guest, you'll be able to unlock all podcasting has to offer.

Because podcasting is powerful, transformative work that anyone should be able to do. 

If you'd like to arrange a payment plan for this course, please reach out- [email protected]

I want you to create amazing things!
